The Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry at New Beginnings Worship Center began in 2011 with a single letter. The recipient shared it & soon others began to request their names be placed on the mailing list. Through what can only be described as God’s Amazing Grace, this monthly newsletter now reaches over 360 people in several different states!

Each monthly newsletter consists of a simple, easy to understand Bible study & several lighthearted jokes. Feedback suggests that both are shared between cellmates & guards. Humor helps ease tensions!

The extraordinary growth of the Prison Ministry has created many opportunities for others to serve. The youth at NBWC volunteer monthly to “fold & stuff’ the envelopes, but with almost 400 going out every MONTH, we are always in need of: STAMPS, #10 SELF-SEAL ENVELOPES & PEOPLE TO MAKE COPIES!

is required from everyone working in this ministry. It is this confidentiality that gives those in need the ‘safe space’ required to ask for & receive help.

is also pursued diligently!

If you would like to help
with this ministry or add
a name to the mailing list,
please contact:

Jackie Keiffer

Prison Ministry Director

(304) 651-0105